First Seventh Day Adventist group in Grande Prairie started in the late 1950’s by Pastor Clarence Goertzen.
Land was acquired and a church build on 108th Avenue in the late1960’s to early 70’s. Pastor Curtis Johnson did much of the building himself.
In 1974 the member ship was 25. As the church grew they searched for a new location. The church was able to acquire the land the church now sits on.
A general contractor with experience in building churches, was hired to oversee the project, the majority of the labor was done by the members themselves. Evenings and Sundays would find people busy working at the church.
The church was dedicated to the worship of God in 1984.
At that time Pastors were frequently moved and often stayed only 1 year in the area. The church leaders requested the Conference to leave Pastors here for a longer period of time and Pastor Larry Kositsin was the first one to be here for 4-5 years and was the pastor at the time of completion and dedication. He returned to speak for the 25 year anniversary celebration in 2009.
As of 2014 we have been blessed to have Pastor Dan Wilson as our pastor at this beautiful church.